Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness Ebook

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Sunday 25 September 2011 By Unknown

Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness 
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone | ISBN: 0443064687 | edition 2001 | PDF |484 pages | 53.9 mb

The purpose of the book is reflected in its title, Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness. The text is written in straightforward language and is complemented by extensive clear, full-colour illustrations. Each chapter provides an explanation of: • the normal structure and functions of the human body • what occurs when disease or illness disrupts the normal processes. This edition - WINNER! The Bookseller's Best-sellers Award for an Academic Title. Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, 9th edition was the best-selling academic title through bookshops in 2005.

Editor's Note : This book truly covers a wide range of Anatomy and Physiology while remaining focused on the healing aspect. This book is excellent for anyone studying medicine on any level. Easy to read and incredibly informative.

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